Photography has always fascinated me, yet I never took the chance to pursue it myself for a long time. As a child, I would flip through old issues of Time, Life, and National Geographic, captivated by the powerful images. Those early impressions stayed with me, but it took years for them to truly take root. It wasn’t until 2012 that my interest in photography began to ignite into something more tangible.
That year, I returned to Bucharest, Romania, for mission and street ministry work. Wanting to capture the experience, I bought an Olympus Pen EPL1 on eBay and brought it along. Out on the streets, meeting people from all walks of life with fascinating and unique stories, I felt an emerging desire to document what I was witnessing. I came home with about 20 decent shots from the trip—and a growing hunger to dive deeper into photography.
While the Romania trip marked the beginning of my journey, it wasn’t until the fall of 2016 that I could fully commit to pursuing photography. For the past five years, I’ve devoted myself to this passion, and it’s been a deeply rewarding experience.
I was drawn to street photography for its candid, unfiltered nature. I love the unpredictability, the rawness of the scenes, and the simplicity of the gear required. It’s a form of photography you can practice anytime, anywhere. While I admire other genres, street photography has a soul and grit that resonates with me. In a world dominated by Photoshop, curated Instagram feeds, and constant advertising, street photography remains grounded in the authenticity of life. Documenting that raw reality is what keeps me inspired.
Instagram – Word on the Street — Instagram – Street — YouTube — Facebook
Featured In
Street Core Magazine, InspiredEye Magazine, Street Photographers Magazine, Salann Magazine
Exhibits In
London Photo Festival,The Big Picture, Colorado Photographic Arts Center’s Annual Members’ Show, The Breath & The Clay Conference Gallery, Lone Tree Arts Center – Into the Rearview Mirror: A Look Back at 2020, AVANTE GARDE’s Undefined: A Projection Exhibit
Thanks for viewing the world through my eyes — I hope you enjoy my site and the work that I’m doing. Got something for me? Get in touch.